Bring The Outside – Inside

Bring The Outside – Inside

There are many benefits for playing outside, whatever the weather. But that doesn’t mean that you can be outside all the time. December, January and February can sometimes be challenging times for outside play, not least because the rain can make outside areas slippery.

Yet that doesn’t mean your outside area is completely redundant. In fact, you can take items from the outside and bring them into you classroom to continue outside learning even during these wet, cold winter months.

Here are some things to bring from the outside inside and some suggested activities.

  1. Leaves

Leaves are fascinating items for children. Their colours, especially during the winter months can be exciting and they can be used to create a mixture of art work from leaf collages to rubbings. Leaves can also be used in science lessons talking about the life cycle of trees, the seasons and even the oxygen cycle.

  1. Stones

A boring stone can be turned into the most fascinating piece of art. They can be used to teach children about mandolin rock painting or just art in general. They can also be used in simple games such as indoor hopscotch. Stones are also really good at teaching children about numbers and counting.

  1. Sticks And Twigs

Another common item that can be found outside is great for making lots of different art work. But they’re also great for teaching children about building dens. The biggest challenge with having sticks inside your educational setting is the tendency for children to use them as swords.

  1. Flowers/Plants

Flowers and plants are great for children. You can start by having the children grow them in your setting and seeing them sprout from little seeds. Then depending on what you have grown, you can have further lessons. Cress and carrots can be turned into cooking classes while tulips or daffodils can be put into art classes.

What do you use from the outside space inside? Let us know in the comments below

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