Three Board Games That Can Be Adapted For Outside

Three Board Games That Can Be Adapted For Outside

There’s no hiding the fact that board games can be a great way for children to learn. They can build all kinds of skills with board games such as mathematics, logic skills, inter-personal skills and more. But with the current Covid-19 problems, board games have been hard to play. However, there are ways that you can take the board games and adapt them to be played outside, whether you’re playing in the playground or under a school canopy.

1. Snakes And Ladders
The easiest one that you can adapt for outside play is snakes and ladders. All you need to do is to have a board outside, painted onto the ground. Then students can be asked to be their own counters. Most schools already have the board painted on some tarmac. You can buy some big dice to be rolled, or a teacher can roll the dice for the students on the side.

2. Connect Four
Another one that is very easy for children to play outside. In fact, there are already outside versions of this game that can be placed anywhere. Placing the equipment under a school canopy is a great way to keep it clean and protected from bad weather. Connect four is a great way to build logic skills in students and can be a good way to encourage friendships.

3. Chess And Draughts
Older children might enjoy larger games of chess and draughts. Again, there are commercially available chess and draught sets available for schools and other educational establishments. These teach children lots of different skills and it is great fun moving the large pieces around a board. Boards can also be painted onto the ground as well.

Playing board games is a great learning experience for children. Moving these lessons outside can also be a good way to encourage greater physical movement and mental health. The three above are great games that can adapted for outside play.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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