Five Outdoor Activities That Can Help Children Learn About Nature

Five Outdoor Activities That Can Help Children Learn About Nature

There are a lot of changes in nature that are going to come about this term, so it’s the perfect time for children to get involved in outdoor activities. When completing tasks outside, children often have a better recollection of the time, build more positive memories and improve their mental health.

This time of year is also perfect for learning about nature. Whether that is about the local wildlife, the life cycle of plants or the weather, here are some fun activities for your children to do at school.

Build a Bird Table

The winter can be particularly challenging for birds. They might struggle to find food and sometimes rely on bird tables and birdbaths for the essentials. You can help by getting children to build, decorate and then place bird tables outside. Children can also watch the visitors from under the school canopy.

Leaf Collages

Teach children about the changes that happen with plants by getting them to create leaf collages. They can create pictures of trees, owls, houses and more with the leaves that they can collect from all around the school. These can also be placed on display.

Hedgehog Houses

Teach children about hedgehogs and hibernation by building hedgehog houses that they can nest in during the winter months. This small activity can be part of a wider learning activity and one that children can be proud of.

Weather Stations

Get children to build weather stations that can help them monitor the weather in your local area. This can include the rainfall, wind direction, and other measurements that you can get children to record. This is a great activity and there are several ways that you can get children to build these weather stations.

Treasure Hunts

Hunting for conkers, acorns, leaves and other natural items on the ground is a great way to build awareness of the world around them. Children can collect in groups from the school grounds, or you can go out on a small field trip to find the items.


Autumn is a season for change and a great learning opportunity. Children can learn more about nature and their world by building, collecting and exploring with you. There are five great activities that you can use above to help them learn. Which one will you use?

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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