Valentines Fundraising Tips for Schools

Valentines Fundraising Tips for Schools

As the festive cheer of Christmas fades, Valentine’s Day swiftly approaches, marking an opportune moment for school fundraising endeavours. This period is ideal for focusing towards Valentine’s Day-themed fundraising activities, particularly with the anticipation of spring and its warmer weather.

Firstly, it’s important to pinpoint the fundraising objectives. Considering the upcoming season, outdoor enhancements make for timely and beneficial investments. Options such as new picnic benches or a school canopy could help improve the school’s outdoor environment.

Strategic Planning for Successful Fundraising

Selecting a Worthy Cause:

Engagement with the school community is key. Seeking input from parents, teachers, and students through platforms like Facebook groups or classroom discussions can give valuable insights. When parents understand how the fundraising will directly benefit their children, such as through a new canopy providing outdoor learning space, their enthusiasm and participation in fundraising efforts tend to increase.

Event Organization:

Choose a diverse and creative event that will spark interest and participation. Consider a blend of in-person and virtual events, like raffles, Valentine’s Day dances, or mini-fairs featuring local businesses and craftspeople. Engaging activities and stalls can mimic a summer fair’s charm and effectiveness.

Engaging Local Businesses:

Collaboration with local businesses can be mutually beneficial. Proposing advertising opportunities in exchange for donations, such as featuring their brand on event materials or at the school premises, can be a practical approach. Ensure to partner with reputable companies that align with the school’s values.

Effective Marketing:

Advance preparation of marketing materials is essential for awareness and participation. Utilise a mix of traditional and digital channels, including social media, to spread the word and attract donations and sponsorships.

Initiating Fundraising Efforts:

Kickstart fundraising activities before the main event to build momentum. Encourage initial donations from sponsors or staff to inspire others to contribute, demonstrating a united front in the fundraising mission.

Contingency Planning:

Flexibility is crucial. Prepare for various scenarios, like shifting activities outdoors for good weather or moving them under covered areas, like a canopy, in case of rain. Consider virtual alternatives for events like raffles to accommodate all participants.


Valentine’s Day presents a unique and timely opportunity for schools to rally their communities for fundraising, be it for a school canopy, outdoor equipment, or other school improvements. Effective planning and community engagement are key to making the most of this occasion. Start planning now to ensure a successful and impactful Valentine’s Day fundraising event.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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