Geography Lesson Ideas for Forest Schools

Geography Lesson Ideas for Forest Schools

There are numerous ways that forest schools can enhance learning within classes. Geography can have lots of classes taught within the forest school setting within your area. Here are some classic ideas for you.

1. Teaching About Changes to Environment

The first thing to do is to teach about the different environments that forests offer. You can talk about how forests contribute to the local environment, including how they can help with drainage, provide cover from the rain and homes for lots of different animals.

You can also show how forests have grown and declined over the year using models created in the forest school using debris from the area.

2. Cloud Watching

Use the space outside to look up to the skies and cloud watch. Talk about the different types of clouds that are present, what they mean and how the local weather is connected to them.

You can also make this a little more fun by getting children to spot familiar symbols within the clouds. This activity can create a lot of laughter with children and some fun.

3. Weather Patterns

Why not set up a weather station within the forest school? You can collect rainfall, wind speed, temperatures and more. You can also run experiments by locating the weather monitoring devices in different areas around the forest school to observe differences in rainfall or wind speed near trees or out in the open.

Weather patterns can also be linked to science lessons.

4. Reading Maps

Children can create their maps of the forest school and then produce some instructions using the maps to plan routes for others to follow. These can be fun, creative lessons that are interesting and allow the children to have some fun.

However, it can also be useful for important life skills that are just as important as STEM subjects.


Above are four options for students to learn about geography while outside under your school canopy in the forest school. Do you have any other ideas? Let us know in the comments.

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