Parkgate Primary School – Second Canopy Install

Product: Coniston

Parkgate Primary School in Neston, Cheshire contacted us as they were looking to have their current old canopy replaced with a nice new modern one, to match the other Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy we installed in May 2020.
To meet the requirements, we installed a Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy on Front Goal Posts measuring 9.2m x 4.5m and 9.2m x 3.9m creating a large outdoor area that can be used all year round for play and learning activities.
Installation Details:
Size: 9.2m x 4.5m and 9.2m x 3.9m
Canopy Colour: White
Installed at:
Parkgate Primary School
Brooklands Road
CH64 6SW
Installation Date: April 2021
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