Extendable Canopies

Extendable Canopies

Buy a small canopy now to suit your budget and extend it in the future.

I understand how you’re feeling, you’d love to be able to take your lessons outside so your children can enjoy learning in the great outdoors but the weather is always a worry. You’d love to be able to plan your outdoor lesson in advance without having to think of a back-up ‘indoor wet weather plan b’.

The answer is of course a canopy; with a school canopy you can take your lesson outside no matter the weather which not only enhances the learning experience of your pupils and helps to keep them engaged, but it also makes your lesson planning much easier and less time consuming.

One more problem? Of course – your budgets. We can help with that too, while we can’t give you the funds for your canopy, we can offer to supply you with a smaller canopy to suit your current budget.

And you won’t feel disheartened that you couldn’t afford the larger canopy you had your heart set on, because our Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy can be extended time and time again. This allows you to extend your canopy when your budgets are renewed, resulting in you teaching in the outdoors, with a spacious covered area for you and your pupils to enjoy all year round.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today to find out how much a smaller canopy will cost, so you can kickstart your outdoor teaching journey sooner than you thought.

 Call us on 0800 389 9072 or complete the form above.

Canopy Extension Examples

The below examples show schools that already had one of our Coniston Wall Mounted Canopies installed, and within time extended their canopy to extend their covered outdoor areas.

The Hermitage School, Surrey

The Hermitage School in Surrey have extended two canopies with us, they first had a Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy installed in 2017 which we extended for them in 2018. They also had another canopy installed in 2018 in a different area which we extended for them in 2022. Once the older canopies have had a clean, they will blend in seamlessly with the extensions.

Hollyfield Primary School, Birmingham

Hollyfield Primary School in Birmingham had a Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy installed in 2005. They contacted us again in 2019, which resulted in us extending their wall mounted canopy and installed a Welford Doe Free Standing Canopy adjacent to the extended wall mounted canopy.

Woodlands Primary School, Gloucestershire

We installed a Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy as Woodlands Primary School in October 2021. Just under 1 year later in September 2022, we returned and extended their canopy, doubling the length from 15 metres to 30 metres.

Are you interested in finding out more?
Call us on 0800 389 9072 or complete the form above.