Capel Manor Primary School – Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy

In August 2023, we supplied and installed a 15.2m x 3.5m Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy at Capel Manor Primary School in Enfield, Middlesex.

Capel Manor Primary School wanted a canopy installed at their school, outside one of their classrooms so that their pupils would be able to learn and play outside all year round and be protected from the weather.

We recommended they go for a Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy. This is because this canopy is great for protecting areas from all sort of weather as it creates shelter from the rain and shade from the sun, allowing their pupils to play and learn in all sorts of weather and meeting their requirements.

Installation Details: 

Size: 15.5m x 3.5m

Canopy Colour: Grey RAL 7016

Installed at:
Capel Manor Primary School
Bullsmoor Lane

Installation Date: August 2023

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