Shade Man - Free Sun Safe Activity Pack for Schools
Hey there, it’s great to see you, I’m so glad you popped by. My name is Shade Man and I’m here to help you teach the importance of sun safety within your school.

Staying safe in the sun is an important part of day to day life. Teaching young children how to enjoy being in the sun safely is important as good habits gained at an early age will hopefully stay with them into adulthood.
As part of my mission to teach children sun safety, I have created various documents for you to download for free and print. These downloads can be used within your school, adding them to your lesson plans if you wish
Free Sun Safety Downloads
Download your free sun safe teaching resource activity pack, sun hat template and posters here.
Sun Safe Activity Pack

Sun Hat Template

Sun Facts A3 Poster

How to be Sun Safe A3 Poster

Inside the teaching resource pack, you will find a range of fun and enjoyable activities suitable for children from pre-school to primary school ages.
The activities will help children to learn the importance of staying safe in the sun including what we can do to keep ourselves protected.
The idea of this pack is to get children engaging and working together as well as alone, while learning the importance of sun protection.
There’s a special Shade Man certificate at the end of the pack so you can print it and award it to pupils once they have successfully completed the pupils’ activity section of the pack.
You can also download a Shade Man sun cap so your pupils can look as cool as me and some posters for you to display around your school.
Please Follow Me on Twitter
As I’ve provided you with the free downloads above, I’d be super grateful if you could do me a big favour and follow and share me on Twitter so I can help spread the sun safe message all across the UK. I’m passionate about sun safety and helping children and adults to enjoy the sun without getting heatstroke, sunburn and skin cancer.
By following me on Twitter, you will also receive a range of great benefits. You can follow me on my weekend adventures as I explore my local area and see what I get up to on my lunch breaks and I will also post sun safety tips.
Follow me here: @ableshademan

Share Your Completed Packs with Me
If you follow me on Twitter I’d be so excited if you were to share photos of your completed packs so I can share them and show others how great your pupils hard work is.
Also, if your pupils make the Shade Man hats from the free download above, I’d love to see pictures of them wearing them.

A Little More About Me
Before you go, here’s a bit more info about me so you can get to know me better.
Shade Man Profile:
Full Name: Able Shade Man
Superhero Name: Shade Man
From: Planet Noxu
Age: 807 years
Height: 5′ 9”
Eye Colour: Unknown…
Favourite Drink: Water
Favourite Food: Oranges
Best Friend: Shade Woman
One Thing He Will Not Leave Home Without: Sun hat
Superhero Power: Building canopies to make shade in school playgrounds
Misson: To teach children how to stay safe in the sun
Afraid of: Playgrounds without shade
Twitter Handle: @ableshademan

External Resources
Additional information and resources can be found from the below resources:
MelanomaMe. – Sun Safety advice, counselling, events and awards from MelanomaMe.
Sun Safe Schools – Run by the skin cancer charity Skcin, offering free downloads and information
NHS Sun Safety – Guidance and advice from the NHS
Cancer Research UK – Sun Safety tips from Cancer Research UK
That’s all for now. If you have any questions please email me and I’ll get back to you.