Activities Children at Home Can Do that Can Help Them Learn

Activities Children at Home Can Do that Can Help Them Learn

Educating children has become much harder in the past few months. It seems that some educators are relying heavily on online worksheets and classrooms (like Oak National Academy) to help with learning objectives. However, there are activities that can be undertaken that can help with learning.

When children are given more creative lessons, there can be some challenges. Supplies and equipment might not be available. Parents could order them, but this could also delay their learning.

So, what activities could you give your students to help them learn while they’re at home?

Wildlife Survey

Walks around parks, nature trails and other areas are now allowed and this is a great opportunity to encourage learning. You can easily add several lessons within this subject including learning about life cycles (spotting butterflies, caterpillars, etc.), learning to use number tallies, building graphs, wildlife identification and more.


Get children to compare different objects in the house. For example, they could compare two different items of clothing, the difference between two films or two items of food. Getting children to do comparisons allows them to build observation skills as well as language and writing skills explaining the differences between the objects.

Home Growing

There has been a big surge in the demand for seeds for home growing recently and you can turn this into a lesson. Children can learn how to grow flowers, food and more with the help of their parents. Children who don’t have access to seeds/gardening equipment can also be encouraged to participate by offering them lessons in what plants need to grow, how they reproduce and other relevant lessons.

Learning About Time

Everyone has a clock in their house and this is a perfect opportunity to teach children how to tell the time. You can set classes around the clock, how it moves, how many hours in a day, how many minutes in an hour/day, etc.. This is a simple, easy lesson that all can do. Children could be encouraged to keep a time diary, writing about what time they are doing certain activities.


It’s going to be a while before most primary school children are back in class and playing under your school canopy. During this challenging time, education must continue and the four subjects above are examples of lessons they can learn while at home.

What ideas do you have? Share them in the comments below.

Download your free copy of the How to Get the Most Out of Your Canopy Guide for more great alternative learning ideas. It also includes pull out learning sheets such as Wildlife checklists and much more.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
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