At Your Service

At Your Service

People talk about service a lot. We all like to be looked after and we remember the times when we have been treated well. Unfortunately, we probably tell more people about the times when the service was bad! Service delivery and measurement is a big deal with the online gurus and in the management and marketing text books. How is your Net Promoter Score looking? We have all seen the social media posts that go viral about poor service or, more positively, when a company or its staff, go above and beyond. Service is often the major difference between the choice of one company over another. No wonder then that it is a hot topic.

We find it slightly odd though that so many words need to be written about service and that there are so many opinions on how it should be delivered. To us the delivery of service is quite simple. It comes down to one statement: We will do exactly what we say we will do.

When you start to over complicate service and how you deliver it then you start to give yourself excuses for failure. We don’t see it like that.  Service for Able Canopies is a simple commitment that leaves no room for interpretation or ambiguity.

We might be selling products but in the end what our customers are buying is a service. A canopy is no good if it is put up in the wrong place, is not straight or the installation process causes disruption. Customers want their outside space to be transformed so it is useable, sheltered and looks good. They want that done efficiently, tidily and safely. If that is what they want then that is what we give them. Simple as that.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install commercial grade canopies, shade sails,
awnings and shelters across the UK. We specialise in servicing the education, leisure,
healthcare and retail sectors and have extensive experience working with
schools, councils, architects and contracting firms.
For more information on our products and services please contact us

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