Invite Authors for Remote Story Time Sessions

- Invite local or upcoming authors to hold a remote story time session with your pupils
- Include a Q&A’s session for additional engagement and enthusiasm
- Make the most of your pupils’ interest by setting activities to complete afterwards
Do you remember those days, when your pupils would be so excited that they’d be on their best behaviour because you’d organised someone to visit the school and talk to them? Those days are not a complete thing of the past. Whilst your pupils are working from home, so are a big percentage of the nation. We’re all stuck at home and looking for ways to keep ourselves busy and promote our business, or in an author’s case, their books.
Which brings me to my suggestion, have you considered approaching authors who have recently released children’s books, or even better local authors who have recently released children’s books? It could be held via an online video chat provider such as Zoom. This could be a really exciting prospect for your pupils and will not only switch up their home learning programme which they may be find tiring, it will also give them something to look forward to. I think we could all do with something to look forward to, couldn’t we?
To get your pupils involved and even more excited, maybe you could ask them which authors they’d like to see or what they’re favourite books are. Realistically, you’re not going to get J. K. Rowling on board as you won’t be able to get passed her gatekeepers, however, upcoming and local authors will likely jump at the chance.
Include a Follow up Lesson
This is the authors chance to sell their book, to see how their target audience react so ask them to read the story to your pupils and then allow the children to ask questions afterwards. Not only will you pupils love this engagement, but the author will love the feedback too.
In the coming weeks/days before the story time session, it’s a good idea to read the book yourself and set some questions or activities for your pupils to complete once the virtual session has finished. Or, to add more encouragement to complete the work, you could ask the author to set the tasks before they sign off.
Have you ever held a story time session with an author? How did it go? How did the children interact? How do you feel about holding a remote story time session? I’d love to read your feedback in the comments box below.
Once you’re all back in the classroom, to maintain social distancing and to make authors feel safe, you could hold author story time sessions outside under your school canopy.
Click on the button below to find more teaching ideas in our Lockdown Learning Library for teachers, pupils and parents whilst lessons are held remotely:

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