Autumn Outdoor Learning Activities

Autumn Outdoor Learning Activities

I absolutely love autumn and believe it’s one of the best seasons to get children outside using natural objects to learn. Whether you simply transfer your regular classes outside and swap man-made objects for natural objects or if you create special lessons just for the outside, your children will love it and will look forward to their next outdoor lesson.

Here’s just a couple of ideas to get your imagination started…..

Leaf Foraging
Hand out worksheets with diagrams of different types of leafs and other natural objects such as acorns and pine cones and ask the children to hunt around the playground to find all of the objects. Remember to only show images of leafs that can be found in your playgrounds, or if you do not have many trees nearby, why not plant some leafs around the grounds for them to find.

Natural Sums
Use small twigs and acorns to help children count and add and subtract. You can teach them in the same way that you would indoors with man-made objects but by taking the lesson outside, it adds a bit of excitement to the lesson and keeps your pupils a little bit more active.

Team Building
Divide the children into groups and set them tasks to encourage them to work as teams. One idea is treasure hunts. If you have sand pits or tubs, you can hide objects in them such as treasure for “pirate hunts” or toy fossils for “dinosaur hunts”.

So what do you think? Will you be incorporating any of these ideas into your lessons or have you already tried them before? I love to know how they went.


Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
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