Benefits Of A Class Pet

Benefits Of A Class Pet

School pets can be a great addition to any class. Some schools have one pet for the whole school or a pet for each classroom. Class pets can encourage good behaviour, support learning, and offer emotional support among other skills.

So, what are the options for a school pet?

Benefits of a Class Pet

School pets can help children develop emotional skills like empathy and social skills. They can be a great support for children who are struggling to settle into school and for children with special educational needs.

Class pets can be a great help to support learning. Many animals enjoy being read to and reading to a support animal can help build the confidence of reluctant readers. They can also be a great way to teach responsibility by helping to take care of the pet. The children could prepare salad food to feed the Giant African Land Snail for example.

Some schools have a class pet to encourage particular behaviours. For example, all the children in the class with 100% attendance during the week could be entered into a draw. Then one child is chosen randomly to take the pet home to look after for the weekend, such as a hamster.

Are there other Options for a School Pet?

A school pet should be provided with a high standard of care. This means allowing the animal to move to a quiet space if they want to. If you are concerned that a pet might get stressed in such a busy environment. There are other options.

You could contact a charity that can match your school with a dog owner whose dog is trained as a therapy dog that can listen to children read, for example. You might want to arrange a time for the children to bring their pets into the class.

Alternatively, you could focus on the wildlife in your school and set up a lovely pond and encourage British wildlife like birds and hedgehogs.

Final Word

Many schools have class pets and they can be hugely beneficial to children’s emotional and social development and support learning. However, you will need to make sure you can provide a high standard of care and ensure that they are not stressed out by the environment. There are various other ways to experience pets in school or you could focus on your wildlife garden.

Which option is best for your school?

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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