Enhance your Children’s Centre with a Canopy

Children’s centre canopies are an essential investment because they offer so much to the children you care for. Many of our customers have commented on how their canopies “open a world of opportunities” and how they “transform provision for teaching”.
Canopies encourage outdoor play
Although most children love to play outside, the general lifestyle of the nation has changed over the years and many children are finding themselves stuck indoors watching television and playing computer games – even from a very young age! An outdoor canopy encourages outdoor play as they will not be worried about getting wet when it’s raining and it can be used as a safe area for children to stay under where activities and toys are kept underneath.
“Excellent job! Very professional, efficient and tidy. Gate is super! Many thanks. Having the canopy has made such a difference, the children are able to play outside under cover rain or shine! We would recommend Able Canopies.”
– Newport Children’s Centre – Middlesbrough, Cleveland
Canopies promote healthy living and exercise
Because canopies encourage children to play outside rather than inside, they will generally have a large area to run around and play within. This will give them the exercise they need and they will be enjoying themselves at the same time!
Canopies are particularly good for children who don’t have access to a safe outdoor area at home
Children that live in small spaces, such as flats, are not always lucky enough to have a private garden that their parents can allow them to play in safely. By creating a safe and sheltered outdoor area at your children’s centre, you will open up a whole new world to those children, and they can look forward to gaining fresh air and playing with outdoor toys that they wouldn’t usually be able to play with at home.
Canopies help with child development
Many studies have been conducted that prove that regular outdoor play has a hugely positive effect on children and encourages confidence and curiosity. It is also proven that outdoor play reduces the risk of developing disorders such as ADHD and forms of utism. Children can learn so much more when outside and discover different senses that they wouldn’t be able to discover indoors.
Ashburnham School Children’s Centre in Chelsea, London, cares for autistic children aged from 5-18 years of age, they use their canopy for activities such as an “Outdoor play area in all weathers, planting & there is a den underneath so that when it gets too busy indoors for them (they are autistic), they have a secure place to go and sit.”
Canopies help children become “school-ready.”
As you know, children play outside during their break times at primary school, so it’s ideal that children’s centres prepare their children to get used to playing without teachers close by in a free play environment. It’s also important that they learn the social skills of playing with other children on their own. A “big school” can be a scary experience for new starters as their not used to lots of older children running around.
Canopies help children learn about the importance of sun protection
Our canopies protect those underneath from harmful UV rays. When your children play outside, you can teach them the reasons why they are playing under a canopy and why they need to stay protected from the sun. This will benefit them in the long run. The latest statistics from Cancer Research UK show that malignant melanoma incidence rates in Great Britain have more than quadrupled over the last thirty years.
For more information, call 0800 389 9072 or email sales@ablecanopies.co.uk
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us
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