Christmas Fundraising Ideas

Christmas Fundraising Ideas

The run up to Christmas is an excellent way to raise funds for projects in the new year. Children, parents and others get really excited about this time of year and it’s tradition to also give to good causes.

There are many Christmas fundraising options for your school or preschool that you can try. Here are some of the best.

  • School Fete

This is a traditional way to raise funds, and with a fete comes many opportunities for those involved with your education setting to contribute to project funds. Older children can offer to run stalls of games or craft, plus you can sell food like cakes, sweets and drinks.

You can also get businesses involved by having them set up a stall at your school fete selling their products for a small stall fee.

  • Father Christmas Visits

At your fete or another event you could have Father Christmas visit and ask for donations to see him. Many younger children enjoy talking to Father Christmas and telling him what they want to find underneath their tree come the big day.

You don’t need to hire someone to play Father Christmas, a headmaster or another teacher could always perform that well.

  • Raffle/Tombola

While these are a mainstay of the Christmas fete, these can be run on different days. Tickets could be sold to children, parents and families with a big party to announce the winners. You can ask families or businesses if they are willing to donate prizes.

Raffles and Tombolas are great for raising funds, and when you combine this with a small fete or a party, you can earn extra money with your fundraising.

  • Christmas Games Night

If you’ve got a competitive group at your school setting, you can create a mixture of games. These can range from physical activities like ‘mince pie and spoon’ races to Christmas quizzes. Charge entrants a fee to join in and have a prize for the winners.

Christmas games can also be a great way to spread good news about your school. You’ll get lots of photos of people having fun.

How will you use Christmas to raise funds? Let us know your ideas in the comments below.


Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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