Early Years Crafty Fundraising Ideas

Early Years Crafty Fundraising Ideas

In order to raise funds for your school, you don’t have to organise big events, you can still raise funds by selling items that have been handmade or hand-decorated by the children.

Families love to buy items that their children have made, as they hold sentimental value and are perfect for Christmas and Birthday gifts.

I have included 3 crafty ideas that the children will love getting involved in and that should get parents interested too.

Art Galleries

Ask children to paint pictures, these could be of their favourite things, their family, a self-portrait or their family pet. Ask the children to sign and date the pictures and give them a title. To keep them protected and make them last, you can laminate the paintings and present them in keep sake boxes or paper bags, both of which the children can get involved in making and decorating.

The next step is selling them! You can go two ways about this; you could hold an art gallery open to parents and family members where they can see all of the children’s artwork on display and have the option to buy their own children’s artwork and have refreshment available to purchase or you could ask parents when they collect their children if they would like to buy their children’s artwork.

Tea Towels and T-Shirts

Tea towels are a popular fundraiser for nurseries and schools but you don’t have to stick to tea towels; you can create many other things, such as t-shirts! You can buy a bulk batch of plain white t-shirts and supply your children with fabric pens, they can then draw on a design of their choice or you can give them a theme to work with, such as the seasons or Christmas.

These can be offered to parents to buy when they collect their children or you can hold a stall at your next fair. To make the t-shirts even more special, the children could design the t-shirts for an event such as sports day and wear them at the event, and then parents may be more encouraged to buy them as they have added sentimental value – I personally love this idea!

Christmas Cards

This idea is a bit of a classic, but it’s always a fun one for the children. Ask your children to each draw a design for a Christmas card and get them all printed professionally. Many companies offer discounts to schools and voluntary organisations so be sure to tell them that your printing project is not for profit.

You can either sell the cards as a multipack of all the children’s drawings or sell them separately so parents can choose to only buy their own children’s designs or their favourite designs. It may be interesting to experiment and see what works best by offering both options.

I hope these ideas have given you some inspiration, why not download our free fundraising pack for even more ideas from A-Z to help you raise more funds for your next project!

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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