Give your pupils a break!

Give your pupils a break!

Rainy days can be a real downer for children stuck inside during lunch and breaks. It turns into chaos—corridors jammed, little space to move, and the occasional furniture casualty (or classmate collision!). Boredom hits hard, leading to petty mischief, arguments, and mini-brawls. When the indoor scene gets dull, concentration in class takes a nosedive too. Children feel cooped up, restless, and like they’ve been in class forever.

The fix? A breath of fresh air, a change of scenery, and some outdoor time to let off steam, but here’s the snag: convincing kids to step outside in the not-so-inviting UK weather, especially when it’s wet (which happens about 150 days a year!). So, what’s the solution? Create a cosy, dry outdoor spot where kids can escape the indoor blues, stretch their legs, and enjoy nature even on gloomy days.

One way that many schools choose to do this is to install a canopy. Carshalton High School for Girls in Surrey has invested in three canopies for their campus, giving students spots to hang out even when the rain’s pouring. Carole Petty, the school business manager, gave a thumbs up, saying the canopies “really enhance the experience of outdoor socialising for the students.” Check out their canopies here.

But wait, there’s more! Canopies aren’t just for breaks; they’re a game-changer in class too. The open-air vibe adds a splash of excitement to learning, making it perfect for children who find classrooms a bit too structured. Geography lessons get a boost as students feel the weather first hand. Physics? Forces come to life outdoors. And don’t even get us started on drama and music practice—canopies turn into the coolest makeshift stages for impromptu concerts.

So, why settle for a rainy-day rut? Get a canopy and let the outdoor adventures continue, rain or shine!

To find out more about how a canopy can improve your school and help your pupils learn and engage in lessons, call us on 0800 389 9072 or email

To view our canopy products, you can download our brochure online:

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Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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