Growing Your Own To Help Children Succeed

Growing Your Own To Help Children Succeed

Today we are continuing with our children learn best outside series. In the previous editions, we’ve talked about the benefits of a covered part of your outdoor space in which to learn, and emotional literacy.

In this edition, we will be looking at how you can encourage learning through growing and cooking your own food.

Outside Play Options
Outdoor play is often associated with sports and other high-energy activities, but many activities can be done outside that don’t require running around. One of them is growing flowers, fruit, and vegetables.

tomatoes-1581204_1920Growing plants in your setting’s grounds will provide the chance to tackle numerous lessons at the same time. Such as the basic parts of a plant, plant life cycles and even maths skills (can you count the seedlings?) for a few examples.

Cooking Your Produce

Most playschool settings will offer snacks during their sessions, however, not all providers will have the ability to provide the ‘home-grown’ food option. Lessons can be extended to cooking with your homegrown produce and hygiene, both valuable life skills.

The sense of pride from growing and eating your own food is a real achievement and this will support their self-esteem and understanding of the world around them.

Many different plants can be grown outside with relative ease that could be used within your setting such as tomatoes, peas, salad, and spring onions.

Expanding The Theory

Another option to consider is owning chickens and collecting eggs from them. This can help establish lessons about life cycles. They can also be used to teach children about birds and about caring for them.egg-1510449_1920

Chickens are fun to look after and can be kept in a coop outside all year round. They also offer you the chance to collect and cook eggs from them.


Your outdoor experiences can be enhanced by offering your children a chance to grow their own plants and food, which can then be incorporated into other activities such as hygiene, cooking and science sessions. These lessons can really benefit their long-term development.

What outdoor activities do you offer your children? What other lessons could you offer based on these activities?

Let us know in the comments below.

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