How to Create an Outstanding Outdoor Area

How to Create an Outstanding Outdoor Area

Creating an outstanding outdoor area is much easier than you will think as long as you plan ahead. You just need to work out what equipment to have and where to put it. Even small areas can benefit from many different learning zones when planned accurately.

The idea is to have many different zones, each zone will offer different learning skills and challenges, but each area must offer a challenge otherwise you will find that children will have no interest in it and it will be a waste of valuable learning space. If you find that an area is not working then either replace it with something else or alter it to offer more of a challenge.

Separating the Zones
To make it easier for children to notice the difference between each learning area, you will need to separate the zones. The best way to do this is to have different colour backgrounds and flooring for each area. You can also label each area either with words or pictures (or both!).

Different Zones
The most exciting thing about creating your outstanding outdoor area is that it is outdoors! And because its outdoors there is no limit to the noise or mess than can be made and we all know how much children love making noise and of course mess!

These area can be used to encourage music, dancing, singing, banging and messy play. Because this learning area is outside you can also use the natural classroom as a benefit to help children learn about the weather, the natural environment, mini beast’s plants and vegetable and plant growing.

Create workshops where children can learn building skills, gardening and digging areas, sand and water experimenting areas, musical zones and PE areas. Remember to include anything that you find children love such as large tyres, small climbing equipment, ropes and steps. Whatever you decide to include in your outside area, just remember to make sure they engage your children’s imagination and curiosity. This will help them to find their talents and their passions for different subjects, setting them up for upper school and for their future careers.

Creating all or some on this under a canopy will enable you to use the space all year round and keep the equipment protected from the weather. So get planning today and download our free funding guide so you can apply for grants to raise vital funds for your outstanding outside learning area.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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