How to have safe fun in the sun this year

How to have safe fun in the sun this year

Hello, I am Shade Man and I am here to help you with sun safety. The good guys at Able Canopies have given me this space to tell you about this year’s Sun Safety campaign and to highlight some of the reasons to get involved.

If you are a teacher then we hope this year’s campaign will give you ideas and practical help to make being safe in the sun a fun and engaging topic for your pupils.

Our Sun Safety pack, which you can download here, is full of activities that will not only get over the message of why being safe in the sun is so important but will also provide lively activities for your class to take part in. And it is all presented by yours truly, your sun safety super hero, so you know it is going to be fun!

As adults we all know that staying safe in the sun is important. The rise in skin cancer cases is well documented and anything that we can do encourage good habits in relation to wearing hats, applying sun screen and seeking shade, will have positive benefits in the long term.

Of course, sun safety doesn’t just apply to our time at school. Getting Mum & Dad involved as well will be an essential part of the campaign when the children are at home. Many of the activities in the free pack can also be carried out at home to encourage family involvement.

Sun protection is a serious business but we can still have fun why we are looking after ourselves. The key message is that being outdoors for learning, eating or just having fun is still the best thing to do in the summer.

Thanks for your time and help with this year’s campaign. Stay in touch with me and all the activities via Twitter: @ableshademan


Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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