How to Recruit New PTFA Members Successfully

How to Recruit New PTFA Members Successfully


It’s well known that the times simply aren’t like they used to be, parents are busier because most mums and dads now work full time, leaving little spare time for themselves yet alone anyone else. However, there are still some out there that have some spare time and are looking for something to fill the gaps now their little ones are back at (or just started) school.

Recruiting new volunteers for your PTA is something you really should take seriously, if you wait for people to approach you and ask if you need any help, you will have a very small team and each of you will end up overloaded with tasks, causing some to give it up completely and you don’t want that.

So, what can you do? You can recruit new volunteers.

  1. Advertise the volunteering positions
    Advertise the volunteering positions to your preferred audience (i.e parents, their families and friends) that you are looking for members. You could get the message out there by including an advert in your school newsletter, on your social media channels, on your website and also hand leaflets out at events or at the end of day pick up times.
  2. Make it appealing
    When advertising for volunteers, make sure you explain what ‘roles’ they could take on and explain about what’s involved to make it sound fun and engaging. Explain the benefits such as being part of a community, making lifelong friends, raising funds that benefits their children’s education and experience at the school. If it doesn’t sound appealing, then no one will put themselves forward, so don’t skip this part.
  3. Give everyone an allocated ‘volunteer role’
    Within workplaces, everyone has their own job role so, why should it be any different in volunteering groups? Giving everyone a specific role that reflects their skills will help the group to work better as a team because they will each have their role and enable them to fit together like a puzzle.They can also work together on specific areas such as brainstorming fundraising ideas and advertising events. However, someone can take on the finance role, another can take on the design role and another can take on the purchasing role and so on. This helps when recruiting volunteers because you can explain what skill set or talents you are looking for and if it speaks to someone, they are more likely to put themselves forward for it.

I hope these tips are helpful and enable you to recruit new volunteer members for your PTFA, resulting in more funds being raised for your school.

Download our A-Z Fundraising Guide below for fundraising ideas that you can share with your PTFA members to get a head start on this school years fundraising.


Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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