How To Use The World Cup To Inspire Learning!

How To Use The World Cup To Inspire Learning!

With the World Cup just a couple of weeks away there aren’t many people, young and old alike, who aren’t going to be excited. As nations gets behind their teams in Russia, why don’t you make this event part of your learning? Here are some great ideas to inspire learning in the early years related to the World Cup.

  1. Play Football

One of the easiest options and most related is to use the tournament as the backdrop for your own outdoor games of football. Get children active by asking them to pass the ball between each other, try kicking the ball towards targets or have some mini games, including chair football.

Football is great exercise and children can pretend to be their favourite sport stars.

  1. Geography Lessons

Teach children about countries round the world. You can start with a map on a table or take the lesson outside and chalk a rough sketch of the globe on some pavement. Put markers where the various nations in the World Cup are.

This is a great lesson that visualises geography and makes it highly memorable.

  1. World Cultures

Another fun part of the World Cup is it allows different cultures to interact. Why don’t you take this opportunity to talk about some of the cultures from the countries represented? A great way to do this is to print pictures off the internet or dress up and do talks.

If you’ve got family, friends or children from those cultures, then it is also a fantastic idea to ask them to contribute. You could even turn this into a homework project for one weekend.

  1. Art With Flags

Another great learning activity for children in early years is colouring. Why not have the children paint or colour in the flags from nations at the World Cup. They could hang the artwork on the wall during the tournament and take the nation’s flag down as they’re eliminated.

With 32 teams at the World Cup, there could be one flag for every child to colour.

How will you be integrating the World Cup into your lessons? Do you have any other suggestions?

Let us know in the comments below.