Leaver Ideas For Your School

As the school year comes closer, you might be thinking of ways that you can say goodbye to your leaving students as they transition. Whether this is for year six children moving onto their secondary school or year 11’s moving onto A-levels, apprenticeships or those in year 13 looking at university/work, then there are plenty of options.
The last two school years have been tough on students, no doubt. Those in year 11 have had their entire GCSE studies disrupted as are those in year 13. Those in year 6 have also had lots to contend with during the Covid-19 pandemic time. So giving them a good farewell might provide them with a more positive memory of their time.
So here are some of the ideas for you to say goodbye to your leavers.
1. BBQ
A big BBQ is a great way for your students to enjoy the outside and at the same time have a goodbye session. BBQs can be set up at the school grounds with ease and you can cook a variety of foods for all tastes and dietary requirements.
In addition to the BBQ you can setup music, games and other activities for the leavers to enjoy. Be sure that there is space underneath a school canopy or other sheltered place to ensure that students don’t get too hot either.
2. Film Night
Some children might appreciate a cinema experience that is done at the school. This can include one of the latest releases or an old classic. Film nights are a great way to celebrate with the students and allow them to relax.
You can also serve drinks and popcorn at the event for them to enjoy themselves.
A film night can also be a great time to give out awards that are traditionally given out as children leave a school.
3. Memorisation Event
You could do a special event where you talk about some of the achievements that the children have completed during their time at your school. Some children would have been at your school for seven years and considering that the last two have been disrupted, it might be nice that children are provided with other memories to take away with them.
For instance, you can talk about achievements that have taken place three years ago, before disruptions had happened.
With the school year near to the end, you need to look for ways to say goodbye to those who are transitioning. Above are three options for you to provide a last big, positive farewell for your children. What are you going to do?

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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