Able Canopies Big Coffee Morning in Aid of Macmillan Cancer Support

Able Canopies Big Coffee Morning in Aid of Macmillan Cancer Support

Well, a week ago today, we held our big coffee morning in aid of the life changing charity Macmillan Cancer Support. On 26th September 2014 Able Canopies’ Head Office staff well and truly had their cake and ate it! Our meeting room was full of freshly home-baked goodies that smelled delicious and tasted even better!

We also took part in the fun office guessing games that Macmillan offered, such as guessing how many hundreds and thousands were on the cake on the poster and guessing which coffee cup on the poster had two shots of expresso! I have to admit we did get a little bit competitive, however it was all in the name of charity!

Well, I know what you’re wanting to find out: “How much did we raise?”! Well, we certainly beat the amount we raised last year, which was £19, so how much did we raise this year?? Drumroll, please… £104! We smashed last year’s donations and are really proud of how much we raised!

We are already looking forward to holding next year’s coffee morning and have already got ideas running around in our heads of the different cakes we can bake—it looks like it’s going to get bigger and better every year!

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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