Moving with Confidence

Moving with Confidence

Psychomotor therapy is an essential part of a child’s physical development. Thinking about how to make children more confident in their movements, will support them in growing up safe and well.

Usually, we look at risks associated with play and remove them to keep our children safe. Common examples would be stopping a child from balancing on walls or removing equipment they could climb and subsequently fall off. This is particularly common in the school setting.

But does this help children under your supervision or does it prevent them from gaining useful life skills? Does it, in fact, inhibit their risk perception and judgement? If we want our children to learn to land on their feet, shouldn’t we be allowing them to climb?

Psychomotor therapy helps children and is used in countries like Switzerland in one-on-one situations. During the therapy, children are taught to strengthen their physical presence, increase their intrinsic motivation while also decreasing difficulties, avoidance behaviours and psychological strain.

Another aspect of the therapy centres on psychological prevention, including teaching children how they can avoid accidents, and it centres on them managing their own risk. Studies have demonstrated that when children have been encouraged to manage their risk, the number of accidents have been reduced significantly.

However, there are also other benefits for children who undergo psychomotor therapy. They build greater confidence in their physical abilities and self-worth; and they also develop healthier bodies that prevent future health problems.

It is also important to develop both indoor and outdoor risk awareness. In the wider world; children will be more likely to come across a tree or a wall than a climbing rope. Therefore, having space and resources outside where children can manage risk is vital for the success of their physical development.

Imaginative play should also be a part of their physical learning. By climbing ‘a mountain’ or defeating an army of dragons with bean bags, children can learn risk while having fun. This can mean that they take in more of what they are learning, and that learning is accelerated.

Taking this outside can be tough, especially on days when it is raining, but outside learning can be more rewarding for your children. That is why it is important to also source an area where your children can play even in the worst of weather. Consider a canopy to extend the usefulness of your outside area and give your students the opportunity to learn about safe risks outside.

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