Our Girls Walked the Walk

Our Girls Walked the Walk

On 16th May 2015, three of our charitable and brave staff members walked the London Marathon throughout the night to raise vital funds for the Moonwalk 2015 for the fight against breast cancer.

Moonwalk 2015 - Tracy, Dawn and Ella - Able Canopies Ltd.

Before the event dressed as Marilyn Monroe

It was a challenging event to participate in, not only did they walk 26.2 miles around the streets of London, they endured it throughout the night and in the dark whilst we were all in bed! It was difficult at times, however the feeling of crossing the finish line cannot be explained; pride, satisfaction, fulfilment and relief are just a few emotions that overtakes your body.

As Tracy, Dawn and Ella experienced, the Moonwalk is an emotional event that brings strangers together, you build bonds with people you have never met before as you are all in the same boat, pushing yourselves hard to raise funds for a charity that is close to your heart.

“We had an amazing time, it was tough but we made it to the end and feel very proud of our achievement.” – Tracy Meakins – Operations Manager

Moonwalk 2015 - Tracy, Dawn and Ella - Able Canopies Ltd.

Back at work after the event, proudly showing their medals

Between them, our team raised an impressive total of £1,367.06! If you would like to donate, it’s not too late, please click on the links below to go to their fundraising pages.

Tracy’s Fundraising Page | Dawn’s Fundraising Page | Ella’s Fundraising Page

On behalf of all of Able Canopies and everyone out there who has been affected by cancer in any way, I would like to congratulate and thank these three very special ladies and everyone else who took part in the Moonwalk 2015 London Marathon.