Outdoor Learning – Inspired by Winter – Part 2

Outdoor Learning – Inspired by Winter – Part 2

There really is no reason to hide inside during the winter months, as long you all wrap up warm you will enjoy endless amounts of fun whilst teaching and learning! In part 1 of our winter outdoor learning series, I offered some inspiration for teaching outside with sticks and twigs. Today my inspiration comes from rocks and stones!

Rocks and Stones

Stones on a beach small portraitStone Characters
Ask the children to paint people or animals onto smooth rocks or stones and to create characters out of them so they can make their own stories. These stone characters look great if you have a grass patch or flower bed as they can be laid there once finished and will brighten the area up beautifully.

Shapes and Letters
Layout a large amount of multiple stones, in all shapes and sizes and ask the children “draw” shapes or letters by laying the stones out on the floor. This uses many skills, it gets their brains thinking whilst using their imagination and sorting/problem solving skills.

Categorising Stones
Again, lay various stones out on the floor that consists of all different shapes, sizes and colours and ask the children to sort them into different categories such as white stones, large stones, smooth stones and so on, this can have them concentrating for a long time!

Incorporate Natural Resources
Incorporate further natural resources when playing and leaning with stones, a few ideas are to play with them in the mud by searching for them like treasure. Another could be to get the stones wet and see how they change colours and how long they take to dry out. Or you could wash them and see how they change colour and stay a different colour even once dried.

Keep an eye out next week to find out what natural resources feature in the next blog post in this series…


Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
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