How Reading Outdoors Can Be Beneficial In Summer Weather

Reading outside has numerous benefits over that of reading inside. For one, children are often active for short term bouts and then require a rest. By taking a book outside when they are playing or doing outside learning, it allows you to switch activities when children need rest to recuperate.
Picking The Right Spot
One of the most important aspects of reading outside is ensuring that children are in the right spot to sit and listen. While sitting on a field is a great idea, this is a place where the sun can focus on their skin, which can cause sunburn. Also, without sunglasses, it can be hard for children to see images.
By sitting them under a school canopy or another shelter might also provide them with short periods away from the UV rays that can be very harmful in the long term. Under a canopy can also allow them to see clearer. On a very sunny day, children can also be shielded from the light.
Finally, a school canopy or shelter can help children keep cool.
Adding Activities To Reading
Reading is a great way to get children to focus on other activities that they need to be doing to stay safe while playing outside. For instance, older children might be able to drink some water or have a snack.
A rest while reading can also help reduce the body temperature of children on really hot days, preventing them from suffering from heatstroke.
But activities can also be educational. You can link their outdoor activities with the book. If you’re studying different insects that are out and about, you can read them a book about these insects and ask children what they’ve seen that day.
Bringing A Story To Life
In addition, reading outside can help children to bring a story to life. Reading a book like “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” or “The Gruffalo”, children can act out scenes in play afterwards as this can help them remember the story and relate to it further.
Outside time is important but it doesn’t always have to be about running around. Storytime under a school canopy or in a shelter can be a great way for children to learn more about what is around, explore new ideas and stay protected in hot weather. What book will read to your children?
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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