Sisters Got Blisters! – Race for Life 2012

Sisters Got Blisters! – Race for Life 2012

On 30th September 2012 a few staff members and their daughters from Able Canopies (Tracy, Hayley, Dawn, Ellie, Rachel and Christine) took part in largest women-only fundraising event in the UK – Race for Life UK. We formed a team and called ourselves… wait or it… “Sisters got Blisters” – this couldn’t be more appropriate I think you would agree!

Originally we were meant to take part in the Race for Life event in July, but unfortunately due to the ever predicable British summer, flooding caused the event to be cancelled at the last minute causing disappointment to many but all was not lost – it was postponed to September.

However this didn’t put a damper on our fundraising event, this just gave us more time to train and raise vital funds for Cancer Research UK.

With all of this excitement in us we were raring to go! Wahoo we could train like mad and complete the race in record time… but the lovely Mother Nature made an unwanted appearance and gave us a poor summer – taking away our motivation to train in the pouring rain and chilly winds. (Or so that was our excuse anyway!)

There was no way we would give up; we were raising more and more funds as the weeks were passing and we were getting more and more excited about “doing our bit” and helping such an important charity raise vital funds to find a cure for one of the most devastating diseases.

So here it was, 30th September 2012, we were wide awake and ready to go, the atmosphere at the event was amazing everyone pulling together all for the same thing. I was reading some of the messages on the other participant’s backs and they were heart warming yet so very emotional at the same time, all of these women had come together because they have experienced cancer in some way and wanted to stop the heartache and do something in memory of their loved ones. This gave us even more enthusiasm to take part in the race for life and do the very best we possibly could.

The weather was kind to us it was a nice temperature- not too hot and not too cold. We were enjoying the event, reading more messages on the girls and women’s backs as we were walking along, seeing all of the different people that were talking part, young, old, the wealthy, the less wealthy, disabled people and super fit athletes. It makes you realise that cancer can affect anyone – no matter what age or background they come from, when it comes to cancer we are all in the same boat and we all come together to become one.We opted for the safe option as we didn’t manage much training and decided that we would start off as walkers and gradually build our speed up – this worked! We began walking at an average speed and felt the need to go a little faster and put in a little more effort so we began briskly walking until we were power walking our way around the 5km course.

We were coming to the end of our race and could almost see the finish line; we were minutes way from beating our target time and decided to give ourselves a boost! We starting jogging and then it formed into a run and we were off! The finish line was approaching, there was hundreds of spectators at the sides cheering us all on, making us feel proud and before we knew it, we had passed the finish line!

The feeling of passing the finish line was immense we were handed a bottle of water to re-hydrate us and a good bag – who doesn’t like a good bag?! It was fantastic, everyone was hugging each other and the atmosphere was even more riveting, it was contagious.

We enjoyed the race for life 2012, it was an amazing experience and we are all planning to take part again next year and plan to beat this year’s speed as well as the funds we raised. Who knows, maybe next year we still start of jogging and then end up running!

Sisters got Blisters have so far raised a total of £306.00 smashing our target of £200.00! There is still time so sponsor us, please go to:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has already sponsored us, we are all very grateful for you generosity and we really do appreciate it.


To find out more about Race for Life or to enter yourself into the next race click here > Race for Life

 Able Canopies Ltd. Design Manufacture and Install Canopies, Shelters and Shade Sails.

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