Spring & Summer Fundraising – Car Boot Sales

Spring & Summer Fundraising – Car Boot Sales

Spring and summer is the perfect time to reach your funding targets by holding various events through the warmer seasons and encouraging everyone to get involved. The milder weather enables you to hold many events outside and the sunshine always brings more visitors and we all know more visitors means more cash!

raise funds - car boot sales - image from Kozzi

Car Boot Sales
Car boot sales are a “golden oldie” when it comes to raising funds and as long as you advertise and spread the word well, it’s sure to be a success – oh and of course as long as the weather holds out!

Raising funds from car boot sales is a flexible money-raiser, you can get involved as much as you choose.


  • To make things simple and for less planning beforehand, you could organise a car boot sale where you charge sellers a fee to hold a stall there and also charge an entrance fee to buyers and that’s it!
  • Or to enable you to raise more funds for your school, you could organise as above, but also ask for donations before hand for any unwanted items so that you can hold your own stall. This will raise more funds, but remember you will require more volunteers to run the stall. You could also hold a food and drink stall and maybe a few fun stalls like lucky dips and raffles.

Things to remember when running a car boot sale:

Advertise! - image from KozziAdvertising – Advertise the event well to ensure you will attract many stall holders and buyers. Ask local shops if they will put a poster up in their window, Send letters home with the children and add it to your school website. If you have a village or community magazine ask if you can advertise your event in there and also search for events websites that allow you to list your event for free.


Guidelines - image from KozziLicences – Check to see if you require a licence to run a car boot sale on your school grounds. Some council’s are more lenient than others. Licence fees do range they can cost from around £15 – £60 so it is worth checking this out before hand.


Guidelines – It’s always a good idea to provide guidelines to sellers. Make them aware that they bring their cars and items to your grounds at their own risk and brief them on trading standard and copyright issues.


toilets - image from kozziFacilities – You will need to provide toilets for the stall holders and visitors to use, you may wish to appoint a volunteer to guide visitors to the toilets if they are inside the school building.


Refreshments - image from KozziRefreshments – If you are not providing a food and drink stall and do not have one booked in then you should advise stall holders beforehand that no refreshments will be available and they will need to bring some with them as these events can last up to 7 hours on a good day.


Good luck and I hope you have found my tips helpful – now let’s get organising!


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