Stafford sports College expands beyond normal school day…
…as their Youth Club enjoys brand new canopy installation.
The excellent facilities of Stafford Sports College have opened up even more opportunities for students outside the school day with the help of school canopy specialists, Able Canopies.
Students of Stafford Sports College attend the Youth Club for a chance to meet other young people, socialise and enjoy activities. Staff at the college are committed to providing all students with the very best quality of education and care at all times, encouraging students to participate in at least one activity after school.
The Youth Club is a great opportunity for this and since two members of the committee put a bid together to raise money for the new canopy, it has opened out to house a fantastic outdoor activity and social area.
Able Canopies provide a specialist service for educational establishments across the country. They fitted the canopy at Stafford Sports College during term time, but with CRB checked workers and their sympathetic approach to the school environment, staff at the college were happy to work alongside them.
Support Services Manager of the college, Cheryl Barrass, was impressed;
“Able Canopies were brilliant to work with. Before the installation they held a health and safety meeting with staff at the college, discussing the project from start to finish. The health and safety was second to none so we were confident the students were safe.”
“It was fitted by a brilliant team who were great ambassadors for the company, 100% professionalism, 100% satisfaction – the canopy is a fantastic addition to our college.”
Stafford Sports College cater for around 500 young people and are enthusiastic about the well-being of every student. Personal and social education is all part of growing up and the college hope that the new canopy will encourage even more students to participate in the activities offered after school.
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us
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