Summer Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Summer Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Summer is the prime season for fundraising at schools and nurseries, helping you raise funds for your cause like new sports equipment, new computers, a new school canopy and more. But repeating the same events every year can become tedious for volunteers. To keep things exciting and engaging, here are some fresh and innovative fundraising ideas that you might not have tried before or perhaps have forgotten about.

Traditional Country Fayre

Host a traditional country fayre with stalls, farmyard animals, and donkey rides. This event can be a delightful throwback, providing a unique experience for children and adults alike.

Vintage Summer Fayre

Transform your usual summer fayre by adding a vintage flair from the 1940s, 50s, or 60s. Incorporate vintage-style rides, stalls, and music. Encourage volunteers and attendees to dress in period attire, creating a nostalgic atmosphere that grandparents will particularly enjoy and may even contribute ideas to.

Sponsored Sporting Events

Organise sponsored sporting events such as walks, bike rides, or more unique activities like skipping or hula hooping. These events promote health and fitness while raising funds.

Picnic Day

Arrange a picnic day, either on the school field or at a local park (ensure to check any restrictions). It could be a ‘bring your own food’ event with live music, bouncy castles, and other attractions. Charge a small entrance fee to cover costs and raise funds.

BBQ Extravaganza

Add a modern twist to your summer fayre with a BBQ stall. Offer a variety of BBQ foods and charge for each item. Complement the food with hot and cold beverages for a complete experience.

Nationality Themed Nights

Host themed nights dedicated to specific countries. Serve traditional food, wear local attire, play regional music and games, and share folk stories. This can be a fun, educational, and culturally enriching event for everyone.

Tuck Shop/Ice Lollies

Start a tuck shop in the school or sell ice lollies after school during the hot summer months. This simple idea can be very popular, providing a refreshing treat for children as they head home.

Get Involved

Do you plan to try any of these ideas? Let us know in the comments! Have you tried some of these events in the past? Share your stories and inspire others with your successful fundraising events.

Keep your summer fundraising fresh and exciting with these innovative ideas, and watch your school or nursery community come together for a great cause.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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