Uses for a canopy – outdoor swimming pool cover

Uses for a canopy – outdoor swimming pool cover

The main selling point of our canopies are that they provide cover from the weather to schools for outdoor play, outdoor learning and alfresco dining. However, canopies can create cover for so many more activities including swimming pools!

white-spire-school-hamilton 01Outdoor swimming pools are really popular during the summer months, but even on hot days we can have sudden downpours. A swimming pool canopy will enable children and families to continue having fun in the pool even when it’s raining!

Also, if we spend too long in the pool we can suffer from sunburn and unfortunately may not realise because we’re having too much fun! Many canopies offer protection from the Sun, blocking harmful UV rays that when exposed to excessive amounts can cause sunburn, aging of the skin and skin cancer.

Now of course, small canopies would not provide the swimming pool cover required, however our Hamilton Big Span Canopy has a maximum width of 11 metres and can be manufactured to any length! The Hamilton is a stylish canopy that creates cover from all elements and protects those underneath from over 98% of the Sun’s harmful UV rays.

So weather you are a school, leisure centre or attraction park that’s looking into installing or revamping your existing outside swimming pool, why not consider a swimming pool canopy to cover your pool and entice children/customers to use it more often.

Download our brochure for more information or click here to find out more about the Hamilton Big Span Canopy.

Download our canopy shelter and shade sail brochure

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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