Three Ways To Keep Children Motivated To Work From Home

It’s no secret that the Covid-19 lockdown has created some problems for teaching. It’s harder for many children to study at home. They might not have enough resources and their environment is more associated with play than it is to so much study.
Yet the reality is, that home studying is the norm, for now. When schools do return, it will likely be phased, or that some children will remain at home to keep social distancing rules enforced.
Those with low motivation are going to find it harder to complete work and retain knowledge. So, how do you keep motivation up? Here are some suggestions.
1. Use Optional Lesson Outputs
Children need freedom at this time, and you should be giving children a choice of outputs when it comes to demonstrating learning. Some might prefer to create posters, others worksheets and some might prefer an essay. None of these are wrong and if they’re demonstrating learning, then they’re showing participation in the lesson.
This enables the children to use their creativity, which will yield better learning outcomes.
2. Show Your Face on Camera
YouTube has been around for a long time and some lessons learnt from that platform can be applied to home schooling. One idea is that you should show your face for a significant proportion of the video. This creates an engagement point between you and the students.
Videos should be shot in and around school if possible, in different locations, so students see a familiar learning environment. You could film maths and English classes in your classroom, science under a school canopy and PE lessons in the hall for instance.
The worst position to be in, is sat on your sofa speaking to children. It creates the wrong image of schoolwork. You should be dressed and in a posture that best reflects you at school.
3. Allow Children to Study on Their Own Schedule
At a time when children are feeling they have no control, this would be a good time to offer them control over their learning schedule. Provide lessons but don’t set deadlines or what times the lessons should be completed.
At the same time, don’t expect children to do a set amount of work per day. Some days they’ll be more productive than others.
The lockdown has impacted everyday life for millions. Homeschooling has become a new norm for millions of children and will be for weeks or months ahead. But that doesn’t mean it has to be wasted time. Ensure your students are getting the best homeschooling experience to turn today’s troubles into a more positive learning experience for children.
Download our How to Get the Most Out of Your Canopy Guide for some great outdoor lesson plan ideas:
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
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