Top tips for Treasurers

Top tips for Treasurers

If you have recently become, or are planning on applying to become a treasurer for your local PTA group then here are a few pointers to help you.

money - grants smallFirst things first is experience and knowledge – already having experience or a background in accounting will help you greatly in your new role and will also put you in favour of becoming treasurer.

When you take over the role, make sure check the books thoroughly to ensure they are all up to date and there are no discrepancies – address any missing records before accepting the responsibility to ensure any previous discrepancies are not passed onto you.

When you hold large events that will raise lots of ££’s, make sure two people count the totals – i.e. the chair and yourself and then deposit the money in the PTA bank account as soon as possible – do not keep it at home where it becomes your responsibility.

Keep all cash receipts for 7 years or more, bank statements for at least 10 years and petty cash vouchers for 3 years, they may be required if anything ever needs to be investigated or for tax reasons.

Conduct audits at the end of every financial year and hand them out at the committee’s AGM meeting for all to study. Ensure they are filled with the secretary’s minutes.

Always try your best to turn up to all PTA meetings and provide reports (verbally or written) of the current funds and offer any input they may be required to help plan future events.

Good luck and remember when your part of a PTA, your part of a group and your all there to work together and help each other.

Download our free PTA fundraising pack and bring it to your first meeting to impress your new committee.

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