How to Improve your Easter Egg Hunt

How to Improve your Easter Egg Hunt

An Easter Egg hunt is an excellent way for you to raise funds for a new computer room, PE equipment or school canopy. Children will love the idea of getting active and trying to find a chocolate egg but just being let loose can be upsetting for children who don’t find a single egg.

So here are some ideas on how to improve an Easter egg hunt at your school.

Create a Storyline Approach

Instead of creating an egg hunt where eggs are hidden across your school or playground for children to find, create a storyline where children have to go from location to location to find clues that lead them to the next step in the journey.

At every step create a narrative that tells a story for the children to be involved in and play along with. This can engage them further.

Children can go around in groups with their friends or they can go around with their families.

Each Station Have a Mini Task

At each stop along the way in the Easter egg hunt, don’t just have a clue, have a mini task that is manned by a staff member for the children to complete. This could be something as simple as putting a golf ball into a hole, to knocking down a stack of bricks with a ball.

Entwine these mini-games into the storyline to make it more meaningful.

You can also have mini prizes along the way that provide a reward for children who complete the task.

End with a Gift Bag

At the end, you can offer each child a gift bag for participating in the event. This can include a chocolate egg, but it can also include other gifts that could be donated by local businesses in exchange for being mentioned during the event.

This allows all children to be rewarded for participating and also for it to be fair, with no child having too many eggs and others with none.


An Easter egg hunt this year is a great way to raise funds. Above are some simple ideas to make your Easter egg fundraising event extra special by making it more of an event that will entertain students at your school.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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