10 Fun Outdoor Summer Lessons

10 Fun Outdoor Summer Lessons

Summer is a great time to take students outside to learn more about the world and provide them with a different environment for learning. Research has shown that lessons outdoors have several benefits. They are more memorable and offer physical and health benefits.

So what are some fun outdoor summer lessons? Here are ten options for you to try.

1. Bug Hunt

The summer months are great for bug hunts. You can task the children to find and identify creatures throughout the school playground and then talk to them about how they’ve adapted to live there.

2. Building Bridges

Building bridges outside is a great way to teach children fine motor skills and other core skills that they will enjoy.

3. Growing

Long term lessons such as growing flowers, fruit or vegetables are great for teaching children about life cycles and nutrition.

4. Outdoor Kitchen

Some children will love the idea of cooking using simple outdoor kitchen equipment. This lesson for older children can help them learn about responsibility and develop soft skills for life.

5. Fitness

Summer is an ideal month for teaching children about fitness. Get them involved in many different fitness activities like running, climbing and games to engage them and get moving.

6. Counting

Using large items, like large soft play bricks, you can get children to count many different things. For instance, you could get them to count the number of red hoops, the number of basketballs, etc..

7. Sorting

Have a large pile of different items and get the children to sort them out into different groups on the playground. This is a fun, active and interactive activity that is great for all school years.

8. Sun Safety

Playing outside is fun but there are still dangers in the summer. Teaching children about playing safe in the sun is an important lesson. You can teach them about wearing hats, sunglasses, sun cream and more.

9. Team Problem Solving

Team problem solving activities are great fun and can take place outside. There are numerous ideas for team problem solving activities online that include classics and new ideas for children at all ages.

10. Map Reading and Creating

The outdoor space is a great place for children to learn all about reading and creating maps. They can create a map of the playground or create a fictional place after learning how to read a map of the school.


Above are 10 great summer lessons to use at your school, many of which can be enjoyed under your school canopy. These are all good at building confidence and teaching children good soft skills for life.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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