Benefits of Outdoor Learning in Secondary Schools

Benefits of Outdoor Learning in Secondary Schools

People regularly associate outdoor learning with Early Years, however outdoor leaning is just as important as children grow through Primary School and into Secondary School. Children benefit from outdoor play at a young age that is completely true but if outdoor learning is taken away from them as they grow, then the benefits will fade away and vanish.

Outdoor Study Canopy installed at Carshalton High School for Girls in Surrey

Outdoor Study Canopy installed at Carshalton High School for Girls in Surrey

‘Nature Deficit Disorder’ is the name of a hypothesis by Richard Louv that describes the stress, fatigue and poor health associated by a lack of time spent outdoors. When children are inside classrooms all day, they can experience many disadvantages and their capabilities and development of social skills become limited, whereas learning outside only has benefits to offer and many of them at that.

Taking the classroom outdoors connects students with the natural environment and increases their opportunity for play which allows students to develop physical, social and emotional skills whilst having fun and learning at the same time. This can help them to keep fit, maintain focus and attention, retain knowledge, and gain a more positive outlook on life.

The fresh air energises children (and teachers!) opening them up to more enthusiasm during the lesson. This gives teachers a real insight into their student’s motivations, interest and talents that they would not show in “regular” indoor classes.

So if you would like to encourage your students to gain a real interest in their lessons and inspire their creativity, spontaneity and cognitive development then why not have ago at moving some lessons outside. Most lessons can be taken outside however the best to start with would possibly be Drama, Art, Science, Music and of course Physical Education.

Outdoor Learning Canopy installed at Oakland's Secondary School in London

Outdoor Learning Canopy installed at Oakland’s Secondary School in London

But this is not just a summer exercise either! Outdoor learning can be enjoyed all year round with a canopy that keeps you covered from the weather whilst gives your students real experience and a better understanding of the outside.

Download our good canopy guide to help you choose the canopy that would best suit your outdoor teaching style:

Download Our Free Good Canopy Guide Now

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us

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