Cycle Shelters for Shops

Cycle Shelters for Shops

royal-school-of-military-engineering-second-witton-shelter 01 smallCycle Shelters will encourage your staff and customers to cycle to your shop which will result in a number of benefits not only to your business but also to your customers, your town/village and the world!

If less people are driving their cars and more people are cycling which produces zero emissions, you will be helping towards saving the planet.

You will also find that the more people that cycle instead of driving will reduce the amount of traffic in your local area, making your roads safer and calmer.

So how does it affect your business you ask? Well, did you know that the average standard size cycle shelter only takes up one car parking space but can fit up to 100 bicycles! So you are essentially expanding your parking facilities without actually using more land. So if you install a cycle shelter that is the size of two parking spaces, you will be able to fit up to 20 customers in there, where as you would usually only fit 2 cars which could be carrying only one person each.

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The more customer that you can fit into your car park equals the more customers that can visit your shop at the same time, making parking worries a thing of the past!

So contact us today to find out more about our range of cycle shelters for the retail sector.

Download our Free Leisure and Hospitality Brochure

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies, shade sails, awnings and shelters
at sports parks, leisure centres, and resorts across the UK. Our products enable our customers
to enhance their Customer Experience, providing covered outdoor areas which are ideal for
use as alfresco dining areas, spectator seating, and cycle parking.
For more information on how our products can enhance your site please contact us

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