Five Halloween Fundraising Ideas

Five Halloween Fundraising Ideas

While the summer holidays aren’t over, now is the perfect time to start planning the fundraising events for Autumn and the new school year. Whether you’re looking to invest in new sports equipment or a school canopy, there are numerous ways you can fundraise this year.

1. Haunted School

The first option is to host an interactive haunted school event. Sell tickets for groups to tour your school and in different parts of the building host Halloween themed games and fun. You could have teachers dressed up to play scary monsters or activities to inspire and entertain families.

You can increase funds raised through the use of merchandise like pictures or clothing printed for the day. Or you can sell food and drink at the event.

2. Movie Night

Halloween is one of the top times for a good movie and there are so many to choose from. Selling tickets for families to sit and watch the movie is a really good idea. You could make it an event and sell food as well at a table. You might want to have two or three movie showings or perhaps two or three different movies.

These nights can be well planned and other events can be run alongside the movie to make this a really good way to raise funds.

3. Competitions

Another way you can raise funds is by hosting a lot of different competitions. You could charge entry for each competition but host lots of competitions at the same time. The winners could be announced at a special fun-day that allows you to host other activities like rides, etc..

Some of the competitions you could host include pumpkin carving, spooky colouring, treasure hunts, short story writing and more.

4. Fancy Dress

Get the children to dress in Halloween costumes for the day for a small contribution. A little can go a long way and a fancy dress day can be a great, fun day that can make the shorter, colder days seem better.

You might also want to add some of the other options to the above to help you improve the funds raised.

5. Evening of Entertainment

From ghost-story sessions to magic shows, putting on a show for the children and families can be a great way for you to get more interest from communities. You can sell tickets for two or three sessions and raise funds.

You can add other activities like competitions or sponsorship to improve the amount that you can raise on the day.


Halloween is a great time for festivities and perfect for fundraising. Above are five ideas for you to raise funds during this period and hopefully get a step closer to your goal.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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