How to Encourage Children to be Interested in Fundraising

How to Encourage Children to be Interested in Fundraising

There are numerous ways that you can get your children interested in your school’s fundraising programmes. Whether you’re looking to fund a new IT lab or a school canopy or perhaps you’re looking to support a local good cause, children should be part of the process to make the fundraising more fun for them.

So here are some ideas to make them more interested in your fundraising.

1. Get them Involved in your Planning Stages

The first thing that you should do is get them involved in the planning stages of the fundraising. They can be involved in choosing the fundraising activities like what they’re going to do to earn sponsorship, when it is going to happen and any rules that they have to follow.

By getting involved in the planning, you can set better expectations with them and get them excited before the event.

2. Get the to Choose the Beneficiaries

Whether it is for a project around your school or whether it is a not-for-profit organisation, why don’t you let the children decide on who will get the funds that are raised from the activities? This could be done in groups, with children choosing a project/charity to represent.

After a short presentation, children can then vote on who they think should get the funds after the event.

3. Get Children to Write Promotional Posters

When it comes to promoting the event, why not get the children to create posters for the event. These can be printed at local printers and then posted across the town or throughout the school. If you’ve got an email marketing list, then you can also send the posters digitally to your list.

Getting the children to do the promotional content can be a good way to melt hearts.

4. Children Give the Funds Over

Another option is to get the children to do a presentation. This is to give the raised funds to the group or organisation that the money is destined for. It is a great way to also raise the publicity for the school as journalists from the local press will like to attend these presentations. And charities will love these events too.


Get your children involved more in the fundraising activities that you do at your school. Use the above ideas to get started and if you have any other ideas, let us know in the comments below.

Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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