Sun Safety Tips For Your Educational Setting

With summer on its way, comes the hot sun. Sunshine is a great stimulus for outside play and all summer long children enjoy playing their favourite games in your gardens, playgrounds and outside at home.
However, the hot summer sun also presents some dangers. UV damage is one of the biggest problems. Children can also struggle with getting too hot. So, here are our suggestions for sun safety in schools.
- Use Shaded Areas Regularly
One of the first things you need to do is to ensure that children are playing in the shade regularly. Here they can get all the benefits of playing outside, but without being in direct sunlight. School canopies are a great way to provide good shelter in your educational setting.
The worst time to be in direct sunlight, and therefore when to ensure children are under a school canopy is between noon and 3pm.
- Keep Children Covered
When playing on a field, or in a garden with direct exposure to the sun, ensure children are covered. This means wearing a cap while out in the sun. Long sleeved t-shirts and trousers might cover children up, but they can also mean children are too hot, so they can be avoided.
Sun cream can also be applied to help keep children’s skin from being damaged by the harmful UV rays of the sun.
- Drink Plenty Of Water
Dehydration can cause lots of problems for children. So each child should have a regular supply of fresh water to ensure that they can stay hydrated. Take regular breaks and ensure children are drinking some water during those periods.
- Educate Children About The Dangers Of The Sun
Another key aspect is education. Children should know about the dangers of playing in the sun for too long. However, there is a fine balancing act. Children shouldn’t be scared about playing out in the sun, because there are many benefits. Instead, you need to teach them about ensuring they’re safe while playing.
If you want to know more information about playing in the sun, then why not check out Shade Man for advice and tips to improve sun safety in schools. He has lots of free sun safety information and downloads for you and your children.
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
For more information please contact us or view our school canopies
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