The Big Pedal 2017 – There’s still time to get the Wheels in Motion

The best way to get children cycling together and getting fit whist also learning the rules of the road is to get on their bikes as part of a cycling initiative.
The Big Pedal 2017 is runs from Monday 20th – Friday 31st and if the perfect excuse. This year’s theme is around the world in10 days which incorporates the key parts of the Geography curriculum as well as other subjects.
2017’s initiative is backed by the Olympic gold medallist cyclist Joanna Rowsell Shand and at the time of writing this, 1,086 schools and 342,174 pupils have signed up.
But you have to ask yourself, are you ready? Do you have a cycle shelter installed? You still have time to contact us and have a cycle shelter installed just in time to give your pupils, parents and students peace of mind that their bikes are safe and dry whilst at they are at school. Hurry though as time is running out.
We also supply a wide range cycle stands which can be purchased online with a delivery estimate of 7-10 days.
To register for the Big Pedal 2017, please click here >
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures
at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round
Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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