Too Many Settings Don’t Utilise Their Outdoor Space

Playing outside holds many benefits for youngsters, yet there are many educational settings that don’t allow children to play outside enough. Playing outside helps to meet targets of 180 minutes a day of physical activity for children. Currently, studies have found that only 10% of children are meeting this target.
One reason for this is that many settings aren’t allowing children outside due to adverse weather conditions. Yet outdoor play is essential for learning in addition to physical well-being. Children learn about their capabilities, fear, and social skills while playing outside on equipment and in social groups. As a result, their confidence and soft-skills show a boost.
So, why are adverse weather conditions impacting outdoor play? The most obvious answer is risk. Falling over can be traumatic for the child and is risky for the setting. Therefore, if there is any rain, ice or a strong wind, then play is often restricted to indoor activities.
There are also some settings that will stop play outside in hot weather. This is often to prevent children from becoming too dehydrated.
Keeping The Outside Open To All
Of course there are ways to keep the outside activities going even in bad weather and that is by using a canopy. School canopies provide protection from poor weather by keeping wind, snow and rain out. Those under the canopy are also less affected by extreme temperatures, warm or hot.
They don’t just protect children under the canopy. They offer protection to equipment stored underneath. With less exposure to bad weather, equipment will last longer and will look more inviting. For instance, UV damage can dull the colours on climbing apparatus and this can make it look old and weathered earlier than you’d like.
With the protection from the canopies, grounds remain safe and fun to play in. And children can also experience all sorts of weather to help them learn about the environment. Playing outside undercover while raining might also help fight sadness, loneliness and other such conditions. Rain releases negative ions into the atmosphere which promotes happiness.
The same effect happens around waterfalls and at the beach.
So, if you’re looking to increase the time available for play outside, contact a member of our team to see how we can help you with your school canopy.
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and commercial organisations across the UK.
For more information call 0800 389 9072, email
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