Sun Safety Tips for Schools

Keeping children safe whilst playing and learning outside is important within schools and nurseries to help protect their pupils’ skin from sun damage and sun burn. And, although schools are closed for the majority of the summer, the months of May, June and September can still produce harsh UV rays and high temperatures which children will need protecting from.
Here’s a list of five simple ways you can help protect children in your care and make them aware of the importance of sun safety too:
1. Run Sun Safety Lessons
Holding sun safety lessons or running workshops in the school hall is a great way to teach sun safety regularly, and enables you to make the classes interactive and fun with activities and question & answer sessions.
You can download your free sun safe activity pack which is full of lesson ideas, print out sheets and fun facts here: Sun Safe Activity Pack
2. Adopt Sun Safety Guidelines & Post Signage
You can set out clear guidelines for pupils to follow to ensure sun safety whilst at school. This gives them the responsibility to follow the guidelines themselves with the supervision of teachers and lunch-time staff.
Click here to download and print a free ‘How to Be Sun Safe’ poster: Sun Safe Poster for Schools
3. Provide Shade and Shelter
One major way you can protect children without worrying whether they have their sunscreen or hats on is to provide plenty of shade and shelter. This can be done with natural shade in the way of dense trees however, they can take many years to grow to size where they provide enough coverage.
A much quicker way of providing shade from the sun is with the use of a school canopy. Our school canopies provide high UV protection and can cover both small and large areas depending on your requirements.
Click here to view our range of Canopies for Schools
4. Ensure all Staff Demonstrate Sun Safety
Encourage staff to all demonstrate sun safety themselves by applying sunscreen and seeking shade when outside, particularly when teaching outside to set an example.
5. Encourage Parents to Support Sun Safe Behaviour
You can either ask parents to attend the sun safety workshops, or send information home in the school newsletter asking them to apply sunscreen and send children into school with hats, sunscreen etc.
You can find out more about our sun safe mascot Shade Man and the teaching resources he has provided here: Free Sun Safe Downloads for Schools
Able Canopies Ltd. design, manufacture and install canopies and shade structures at schools, nurseries and educational settings to enable year-round Free Flow Outdoor Play and Outdoor Learning.
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